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Bob Jones

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GK Chesterton quote - "In a world where everything is ridiculous, nothing can be ridiculed"

James Campbell inherits a tiny island of Ogg in Western Hebrides, which leads him into the crazy world of Alcides, a company providing travel and experiences to the super rich. Business based on identifying 2 market niches - Japanese and nouveau rich Americans.

Japanese very easy to deal with - absolutely patterned and predictable behaviour. They're happy if everything programmed and controlled. So give them Ogg killer sheep with sharp long horns in centreof head. Sheep totally foreign to Japanese so accept anything. Sheep are driven out of pens to waiting 'hunters', who's guns are mostly loaded with blanks. Then electric shock to spectacularly kill sheep once sense of anticipation has been built up.

Self-made super rich follow standard pattern: first they build a massive mansion, then buy a lux apartment in London or NY. Next step is to 'get away fromit all' with either a super yacht or a ranch in Montana. But interest soon dwindles as realise yachts totally devoid of pleasure once get past showing off stage.

So a magic resort in Kenya, where wealthy can play golf and catch enormous trout. Magic golf course has little remote cars to move golf balls around on fairway, and electronically controlled balls for some spectacular putting successes. Each chalet has private pool so wife can loll around naked without anybody judging her body. Everyone so happy with sporting successes, celebratory champagne and provocative native dancers, that sex lives resurrected as well.

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