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The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands

Dr Laura Schlesinger

Most of the women who complain that they are not getting what they want from their husbands should stop and look at how disrespectful and disdainful they are of them.

They should also look at what they put their time and energy into at the expense of their husband and their marriage Most don't realize that they try harder to impress strangers than they try to impress the person who is supposed to be the most important to them.

Men are like putty in the hands of a woman they love. Give him direct communication, respect, appreciation, food and good lovin' and he'll do just about anything for you.

Some women very busy. So why should your husband be sympathetic to your choice to exclude him from your life? Dump much of the voluntary stuff that you are allowing to fill up your day, and make room for him, or he is going to dump her off his plate.

Regularly asks female callers if they expect to stay married, considering her hostile, dismissive and undermining attitudes and actions toward husband. Amazingly insensitive to husband's needs but hypersensitive to any action or reaction from the man

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