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The Puzzler

A.J. Jacobs

More books on Recreation

Clue 'faux cough' (answer 'ahem': the sound you make for a fake cough). But he clued it that way so that when people asked him what his fave clue was, he could say 'fuck off'.

? -> ! Bafflement, wrestling, solution!

"We have dinner in 4 hours. Just so you know."

Why is 'legalised' a word, but not 'illegalised'? or ept/inept.

"My life consists of telling stories. Some of them are true."

Poseiden was angry with King Minos of Crete bc he didn't sacrifice a white bull to him. So he punished Minos's wife by making her fall madly in love with the white bull. But her attempts to seduce the bull failed, so she hired Daedalus, Greek's greatest inventor, to help her. He built a dummy cow with a secret compartment that a naked woman cd hide in. That worked, and the queen gave birth to a monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man - the Minotaur. Minos got Daedalus to build a maze to imprison the monster. Every year the Minotaur ate 14 virgins, until the hero Theseus slew him and escaped the maze with the help of a nall of yarn. Then Daedalus upset the King and he was imprisoned in his own maze. But Daedalus escaped, with his son Icarus, by making wings out of feathers aand wax.

"There is so much faulty thinking in the world, and puzzles can help us think better"

Modern jigsaws die-cut in same shapes. So a sub-group of jigsaw fans who mash 2 puzzles together to make a completely new image.

As I was going to St Ives riddle .... whole lot of distraction about 7 wives with 7 sacks etc, then Q: how many were there going to St Ives? A is 1 - I was going to St Ives (all the rest were coming from there)

Scout mindset vs soldier mindset. Scouts explore the intellectul terrain looking for evidence one way or another. Soldiers are looking to win the intellectual battle any way they can.

US crosswords are full of obscure trivia. English crosswords are intelectual puzzles.

Many escape rooms have the sleazy bachelor problem. This is the guy who brings each new woman and pretends its his first time there.

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