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Exactly What To Say

Phil Jones

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"I'm not sure if it's for you, but ..." tells other person that there's no pressure, but also stimulates curiosity.... "this option is only available this onth and I'd hate you to miss out." Or "do you happen to know anyone who cd use (xxx)?"

(When someone offers an opinion you disagree with) "What do you know about that? Moves them from dogmatic certainty to considering possibility of doubt.

People are motivated by one of two things - avoiding a loss or making a gain (and they will work harder for the first than the second). And the more contrast you can make between the two, the better your chance of effecting change. So "How would you feel if ..." "... this got you a promotion?" or " ... your customers moved to the competition?"

"Just imagine ..." "...the look on your friends' faces when they see (you succeed at this)" or "... how much easier your job will be after you implement this"

"When will be a good time?" takes "No" outof possible answers.

Instead of "Do you have any questions?" (which might imply they're too dumb to understand the first time), say What questions do you have of me?", which stops the "I need time to think about it"

"As I see it, you have three options" steers them towards a decision-making process (as opposed to decision-deferring), but at same time takes away the suggestion of pushing them towards one outcome.

Then, "of these three options, which one will make your life easier?" A salesman shd probably regard their job description as "professional mind-maker-upper"

If they're still dithering, "There are two types of people in world" ones who hate idea of change, and ones who see it as a the chance to improve their lot in life.

I bet you're a bit like me in that you ... are a busy person always having to juggle your time.

If you see them getting a little tense at idea of having to make a decision then "Don't worry" said quietly and calmly defuses anxiety. (I know you feel. I felt that way too when I first looked at this ....)

"Most people..." ... start with a small order to test the waters

The good news is ... helps you address the negativity of others (and yourself). ... that this only takes... and that is what makes it great

You usually can't go straight from a 'No' to a 'Yes'. Usually need to shift position to a 'maybe' first. So "before you make up your mind, let's look at the facts again" or "Would it be worth talking to (xxx) before make final decision?"

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